Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I am grateful for goodly parents.

And mine are the goodly-est. There is no sweeter, kinder, angelic woman in the world than my mom. And there is no harder-working, dedicated, righteous man in the world than my daddy.

I am thankful for my mom. She really is the best. All I ever needed to know I learned from my mother. She taught me everything good. And like the stripling warriors in the Book of Mormon, I do not doubt, because my mother knows. She taught me right from wrong. To avoid even the appearance of evil. To love. To laugh. To learn. To smile. To sing. To work first, and then play. To do my best. To serve. To give. To teach. To help. To never give up. My mom is amazing. I am so grateful for everything she has done for me. I am thankful for the memories I share with her. And I am so grateful that I am her oldest child and first daughter. We share a bond that I am truly thankful for each and every day. I am thankful for my mom.

I am grateful for my dad. He is the greatest man I know. I learned a lot from him, too. That he can fix just about anything. The value of hard work, even when it doesn't seem worth it. How to braid my hair. A love for words. That it's ok to cry. Dedication. Loyalty. How to jump start a car. How to tie a tie. [I've taught more boys how to tie their own ties that you can imagine. And I may or may not have tied Jimmer's tie for him. More on that later.] How to plan a wedding. How to bear a simple, yet powerful testimony. To be reverent. The importance of young men serving missions. That your word should be your bond - and when you say you'll do something, nothing should stop you from getting it done. The responsibilities of a worthy priesthood holder. How a husband should treat his wife. To work harder than you think you can to take care of the people you love. So very many lessons. My dad is the greatest. He is exactly what a father should be. I am so grateful that he is mine. I am thankful for the example he sets and for the memories I have with him. I am thankful that he still lets me be his little girl. I'm so thankful for my dad.

I am grateful that my parents raised me. It seems like there are so many children now whose parents are less parent and more friend/chauffeur/bank. And while I am grateful that my parents were those other things to me to, I am thankful that they were so involved in my upbringing. I am thankful that they punished me when I was disobedient. I am grateful that they encouraged me to try my best and were disappointed when I didn't. I am thankful that they were so involved in my life. That my mom waited up for me every night, even when I came home way too late. That my dad cared so much about who I dated. That my parents loved me enough to discipline me and help me learn right from wrong. I hope that when I have children of my own, that I will be able to be even half as good to them as my parents were to me.

I am also grateful for my in-law parents. I am so blessed to have married into a incredible family. When Brans and I got engaged, his family welcomed me as their own and made me feel so loved, even though they hardly knew me. Over the past [almost] four years, my love and appreciation for Branson's parents has just increased exponentially. And while no one can ever equal my parents, Harold and Shannon are a close second.

Shannon is one of the strongest, most talented women I have ever met. She is so thoughtful and giving. It seems like each time I talk to her, she's involved in some sort of project to help someone else. She is such a great example to me. Last year when she was diagnosed with cancer, I was devastated. I think I cried for 3 weeks straight. But her attitude and drive to get through it was inspiring. She was always so positive about everything. She just knew everything would be ok. And it was. I am so grateful for her strength. For her faith. For her example. From the moment we met, Shannon and I got along wonderfully. She treated me like I was her daughter. I'm so grateful for the friendship we've developed and that she has become another mother to me. [My "San Diego Mom" as she likes to say.]

Harold is one of the most pleasant, even-tempered men I know. He reminds me a lot of my dad. He is a hard worker. He's very involved in the Church and in his callings. He's joyful. Thoughtful. Loyal. He likes to tease, but never mean-spirited. He has a funny sense of humor, and like my dad, when he laughs, his shoulders just shake and you see his laughter instead of hear it. I love it. Harold is sweet and kind. I'll never forget the first moment we shared after he officially became my father-in-law. Brans and I had just been married and sealed in the Temple, and Harold came over to us and gave me a big hug and whispered in my ear that he loved me. I remember that moment so fondly. It was so simple. So sweet. It will always be one of my favorite memories of him. I am so grateful for Harold. I'm so grateful for the righteous example he set for his sons. I know that Brans grew up just trying to be like his dad. I'm thankful that he had someone like Harold to model after.

I am so grateful for our parents. They really are the best.
I'm grateful for the lessons they taught.
For the wonderful lives they've provided us with.
For just being there.
And for the love they have for us.

I'm so grateful for each of them.

1 comment:

blair and maisy said...

You do have amazing parents!