Saturday, April 13, 2024

emmeline's two months


Another month in the books and my heart could burst! I can't believe it's been two months with our sweet Emmeline! People keep asking me how I'm surviving with FIVE kids, and truly, it seems like Emmie has always been a part of our crew, so I don't know how to really answer -- other than to say that we're all so in love with this little bundle, and life is busy and hard and natural and wonderful... All at the same time. 

Emmeline is:

... the perfect combination of all of her sisters, but still has her own unique look. She looks like a little Larson woman, but each day, she matches a different sister. It's so interesting to me! She's truly a beautiful girl, and I can't help but dress her up and down like a baby doll - she's our real life baby doll. [From the day we brought Emmie home, Matilda has called her "Sister Baby," which just seems to fit and delights my soul!]

... smiling so often! When she is awake, she is generally cheery. Her smile melts me into a puddle, and she grind biggest for her Mom and Dad early in the morning or late at night - she probably senses there's less distractions and chaos at those times and just shines away! 

... starting to coo and chatter with us, and let me just tell you how much I love those little sounds! I can listen all day long and never tire of the coos, and oohs and ohhs and every little squeak she makes! It's such joyful noise!

... sleeping so wonderfully. She's going 7-8 hours between feedings at night, which just feels like a direct blessing from on high, and we're so grateful. She makes up for it and seems to want to eat like every hour during the day, but it seems like a fair trade to get a good night's sleep.

... so snuggly. She'll nuzzle right into my neck or elbow and fall fast asleep. Snuggling babies is my favorite thing, and I can't help but feel like all is right in the world when their little baby hands grab a lock of my hair, and I feel their warm breath on my skin. It is heaven for me! [Also for Branson - within a minute of snuggling a sleeping baby, he is almost always totally asleep, too. He says his best naps happen while holding a sleeping baby.]

Our life is crazy and busy, chaotic and loud, and cluttered and messy. But is also simple and sweet, sacred and special, and beautifully wonderful. We're so blessed. God is good, and I am grateful for this plan He orchestrated for us to have joy. These girls are truly my joy!


Wednesday, March 13, 2024

emmeline's one month

Even considering it's Leap Year, [what with an extra day and all] I blinked and a month passed. It's hard to believe Miss Emmeline is already a month old, but also it's hard to remember what our family was like without her.

Emmeline is:

... a momma's girl. She wants me [and often ONLY me] all of the time. She sleeps best when we're touching - either in my arms, cradled in a sling or when I'm holding her hand. I've been feeling extra grateful lately for happy, healthy babies and I'm trying to soak in the snuggles and all of the little things that often get taken for granted or seem burdensome amidst the chaos and exhaustion of newborn life. So while my arms often tire, I'm holding this little close as much as I can, and thanking God for every second I get to do so.

... always putting her hands by her face. Swaddled? She wiggles until her hands are free and rests them under her chin. Sleeping? She'll sprawl the daintiest little ballerina hand across her cheek. Hungry? She sticks her fingers in her mouth - a habit we're really trying to break. [No finger suckers here!] She has tiny, dainty fingers and I can hold them and kiss them all the live-long day.

... fought over by her sisters. We're now quite the crew of little mighty women and each of them always wants to be first in line - to hold her, to kiss her, to help pick her clothes, to love on her. [Goldie has been making picture collages of her and taking them to school and ballet and everywhere she goes to show everyone how cute her baby sister is... Heart melting!] Tily calls her "Sister Baby", and I just love that so much. They are all so good with Emmie and so gentle and sweet with her.

... a mighty crier - she goes from 0-60 in no time flat. She has no "in-between" cry. She's either content and happy, or she's screaming like she's dying. But like most of our kids, she's quickly consolable and once she's alerted that she's in need, settles down quick. Maybe it's because she already knows the 4 older voices she's competing with and didn't want to come into this family and get drowned out? Ha ha I don't know. But she is most often sweet and snuggly and just a delightful ball of heavenly love.

... an answer to our prayers. Never did I dream of having 5 [F I V E !] daughters, but I truly can't imagine life without any of them. Emmeline is an incredible mix of each of her sisters - every day she looks like a different one, but also all of them at the same time... and comes from a long line and legacy of mighty women. We're so lucky that she is ours and so grateful she's here.

We're so blessed to have these little women.
God is so good to us.


introducing miss emmeline

We are so happy to welcome Miss Emmeline into our [not-so-little] family!

She's beauty and grace and love and light.
And somehow we can't imagine what our home was like without her.

We are so grateful she's here and that she is ours.