Saturday, November 5, 2011


I am thankful for books.

There just isn't quite anything like cuddling up next to a fire and getting into a book that whisks you away to another time and place.

I love to read. Love. It. And I've read a lot of books. But I love knowing that no matter how many books I have read, there are always so, so many more just waiting for it's pages to be turned.

In the age of electronics taking over the world, there's one advance I just can't get behind. I hate the thought of downloading books. I understand the convenience. I even understand how good it could be.

But there is something about holding a book in your hands, physically turning the pages and closing the book once you've finished the story. Nothing compares to that in my mind.

I love the smell of books. I love the feel of books. I love the look of books.

There are books that have seriously changed my life. Something in the story that gives me a different perspective. Something that helps me realize that I could be better. Something that I learn that I didn't know before. Sometimes, I just get inspired by a character and decide I want to be just like them.

I am thankful we have such an amazing form of both entertainment and learning, and that there are countless books for us to enjoy and benefit.

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