Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I am thankful for our dishwasher.

Earlier this year, my carpal tunnel became unbearable. One of the things that was the most painful was doing the dishes. [Convenient, right?] My fingers were numb all the time. My grip was non-existent.

I may or may not have broken lots of dishes.

We searched for a used dishwasher and found one for a great deal. And since then, dishes have felt much less like a never-ending chore. And even now, while my hands are still gaining back strength from surgery, I am so grateful that dishwashers exist to make my life just a little bit better.

Tonight, I came home from a very long day at work and an insanely ridiculous train ride home to a counter full of dishes. Fun, right?

Initially, I felt overwhelmed. But I knew I would feel better if I could at least see my counter. So I rolled up my sleeves and dug in...

And was surprised when I put the last dish in the dishwasher and looked up at the clock.

Only 8 minutes had passed.

What used to take almost an hour and all of my hot water took 8 minutes. Eight. Minutes.

I am so grateful that we have a dishwasher.  I'm grateful for the time it saves me. I'm grateful for all of the dishes it hasn't broken [which I can't say about myself...] and I'm grateful for the pain it has saved me from this year.

Who knew I could be so grateful for a dishwasher?

Well, I am.

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