Sunday, November 27, 2011

the gospel

I am thankful for the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I am thankful for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I am grateful to be called a "Mormon." I am thankful that I have a deep rooted knowledge of the love God has for each of His children. I am thankful that, in a world that grows increasingly darker every day, that the Gospel provides a light and illuminates my way.

I am grateful for living prophets. I have been blessed to meet many prophets, seers, and revelators in my life, and each experience is still fresh in my mind, as sweet as the day it happened.

President Gordon B. Hinckley told me my smile would be a wonderful missionary tool. Elder Richard G. Scott shed tears during a piano arrangement I did of "I Am a Child of God" and said that hearts would be turned through the music I created. President Howard W. Hunter shook my hand a month after he was called as Prophet. President Thomas S. Monson gave me a Kit-Kat on Halloween. I've shaken hands with Elders Joseph B. Wirthlin, Russell M. Nelson, David B. Haight, L. Tom Perry, and President Henry B. Eyring. I know these men were called by God. I've heard their testimonies and have felt their spirits. I am so grateful for our prophets.

I am thankful for Joseph Smith. I am thankful that he, as a fourteen year old boy, asked questions. I am grateful that he didn't let fear of the unknown get the best of him. I am grateful that he knelt in a grove of trees and spoke to God. I am so thankful that he never gave up. I am grateful for his courage. I love Joseph and am so, so glad that he translated the Book of Mormon and  helped usher in the Restoration.

I am thankful for the scriptures. I am grateful for the Old and New Testaments. The Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price. The Book of Mormon. I love feasting on scripture. It amazes me that each time I read, I learn something new. I am grateful that so many prophets kept a record. I am grateful that those records were compiled and made readily available. I love the scriptures.

I am grateful for the cleansing ordinance of the Sacrament. I am so thankful that each Sabbath day I can partake of the Sacrament and renew my baptismal covenants with the Lord and once again, be cleansed of my sins. I am thankful for the symbolism of the Sacrament and the lessons I learn from it weekly.

I am beyond thankful for a loving Heavenly Father who knows where I am and what I'm doing. I feel my Father's love for me in everything. God's love is evident all around us. In the beauty of the Earth. In the favorable circumstances we find ourselves in. In the trials and challenges that make us stronger. In the little "coincidences" that you know aren't just circumstance. I am eternally grateful for God and all that He has blessed me with.

I cannot even begin to express how grateful I am for my Savior, Jesus Christ. He has done so very much for me. For each of us. Words aren't adequate to say how thankful I am that He atoned for me. That He bled from each and every pore for MY sins.  That He was crucified so that I could return and live with God again someday. Jesus Christ is my Savior. He is more to me than a prophet. More than just a man who lived two thousand years ago. More than my friend. More than my brother. He is my Lord. My Savior. My Redeemer. I am thankful beyond thankful for Him.

I am grateful for my knowledge of the Gospel. I am thankful for the influence the teachings of the Gospel have had on my life.

The Gospel makes me a better person. It helps me be kinder, more compassionate. It gives me understanding and perspective. It helps me strive to be more Christlike. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is my key to happiness. And I am so thankful for the happiness it brings to me.

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