Thursday, January 29, 2009


i believe there is no better flavor of icecream than vanilla.

regardless of how mind-numbing some people say tv is, i could sit and watch certain shows for hours, turning into days, or weeks even.
there's something to be said for good television writers.
jj abrams is a genius.

i could eat chips and salsa for every meal.

sometimes i wish that we had more money - we could remodel our house, travel the world, etc... but then in pitiful economic times such as this, i think,
we don't have much money to lose,
and i am grateful for the security i get in knowing that.

i am not much of a movie critic. i am easy to please. 9 out of 11 movies entertain me.

i am very good at teaching myself how to do things. all i need is a picture or to see a finished product of something, and i can usually replicate it - be it food, crafts or whatever.

i absolutely love fixing meals. since brans and i got married, i've had to learn how to lessen the portions of things - i used to cook for 10! the transition to 2 has left us with a lot of leftovers sometimes. (which in some cases is just fine, but branson is very picky about what should and should not be left over. its made it a little more difficult.) but i am quickly mastering the art of cooking for two.

i have the slowest growing toe and finger nails of all humankind. don't believe me? ask my mom.

i honestly had the most perfect wedding day in recorded history. cinderella and princess di were probably even jealous as they watched from heaven. and i'm not the only one that thinks so. ask anyone in attendance.

i read the last harry potter book, harry potter and the deathly hallows, in 6 hours and 12 minutes.

the first solid food i ever ate was a dill pickle. when i was only months old, my dad was watching me one evening, and to get me to stop crying, he stuck a pickle in my mouth and i shut right up.

i am not ashamed to admit that i love the twilight series. no, i don't think its a cult. no, i don't wish branson were more like edward. but yes, i do thoroughly enjoy the books.

i am bossy. but that comes with being the oldest of eight children. better me than one of my brothers. and for the record, i believe my bossiness has helped shape my siblings into the wonderful people they are. so they owe me.

i like all the vegetables people typically hate: broccoli, spinach, beets, ooh! and i can eat onions like apple.

i have an affinity to hershey's kisses. particularly the trios.

one of our favorite activities as a family is watch 'wheel of fortune' and 'jeopardy' weeknights before or after dinner (depending on when we get home and when dinner's ready... secret: sometimes we watch during dinner.) and i have to say that i rock at 'wheel of fortune' - i can guess almost every clue before most of the letters are up. and brans rocks at jeopardy. my husband is chock full of random knowledge. a commonly heard phrase in our house is "here's an interesting fact..."

an onion made me cry for the first time in my life three weeks ago. never before that.

i have a goal to learn how to tune a piano sometime in my life. and i'm going to do it. never an out of tune piano in my house.

i have a phobia of ice cream trucks.

i can sightread any piece of music placed in front of me. its a gift that i've had since a was really little. my brain processes written music as simply as reading a book.

i can fit into a children's size shoe - i currently wear boots that are a child size 13. and i'm only mildly embarrased about it.

i am not a great swimmer. i prefer wading or floating on some man-made device. i think i'm mildly afraid of drowning. my siblings all had swimming lessons, but i only remember one or two individual classes. i think i could swim to save my life, but i just would prefer to remain on the sides of a pool. i get that from my mom, who got it from her mom. apparently it runs in the family.

my imagination is very active. perhaps even over-active.

i could not be more excited to be a mother. our little family won't be getting bigger any time soon (i promised my brother austin that he wouldn't become an uncle while he was on his mission... so we've still got a year and a half at least before kids enter the scene.) but i'm excited to have kids. i hope i will be a great mom.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Yesterday, my little sister turned 9.

I remember the day she was born.
She has the cutest smile and the soprano voice of a child prodigy. She's super sweet and perfectly sensitive. And her giggle... I probably love it so much because it reminds me of my own.

But I love her more than I ever thought I could.

See, between her and I are five... yes, f i v e, strapping young men. From the time I was old enough to truly have an opinion, I wanted a sister. There weren't any girls my age in the neighborhood, and oh, how I longed for a kindred spirit, the giggles and the companionship of a sister.

But she didn't come. Instead, I became "one of the boys". I would go to scout activities with my brothers and a few neighbor boys. I would play basketball and baseball with the boys. I still giggled like a little girl, but none of them would giggle back.

In all honesty, I loved it. I loved being accepted by the boys and I loved playing their games. Dolls weren't my favorite. I liked legos and lightsabers. And I can't accurately portray the fun I had. Even older boys in the neighborhood would come and play with my brother Austin and I. And even then, I was a bossy little prince(ss).

But through it all, I still longed for a sister. A girl to share secrets with. Austin and Taylor weren't great at sharing secrets. But no sister came. It seems like I was constantly praying for a sister, making silly promises like "I will help mom do the dishes every day" or "I won't throw walnuts at Chase anymore" if I could only get a sister.

When Austin was born my mom had a dream of a little girl named Brindy. Brindy Marie. And that name stuck with her. And with each child that was born, the hope of a little girl named Brindy consumed my thoughts.

First Austin. Then Taylor. Bryson was born two years later. And two years after that, Mom was about to have another baby. She wasn't big on finding out the baby's gender when she was pregnant, so it was always a surprise when the new sibling finally came. This time, we were staying at Grandma and Gramps' house (the house Branson and I now live in). Grandma came upstairs on September Eleventh and told me that there was a phone call for me.

I ran downstairs and picked up the phone, jumping with excitement. I knew what this phone call was all about - I was now the oldest of five children. Its was Dad: "Hey Shan," I remember interrupting him. "Is it Brindy?" "No, Shan you have a new baby brother named Tanner!"

And that's when I gave up. Four brothers? No one bounces back from that. I resigned myself to being the only girl forever. But I didn't let it get me down. And I was excited about Tanner. He was a cute baby and I was old enough and big enough to hold him on my own. And oh, how I love holding babies! One day, while holding my newest baby brother, I decided to look on the bright side: I was the only girl. I didn't have to share any of my clothes. I didn't have to share a bed with anyone. People who met our family always remember my name, while they fumbled on the boys' names. It was going to be great to be the only girl. And I reveled in it.

My reveling continued. A month after Tanner's second birthday, my baby brother Braden was brought home from the hospital in a blue and white blanket. And Dad came home with blue bubblegum cigars.

It was official - I was the oldest and only girl with five younger brothers.

I learned early on to get along with my brothers pretty well. I made Taylor cry once in Disneyland because I stole his camera - But what was I supposed to do? My camera was full, and he was taking pictures of his nose. And so, as the oldest and only girl, I had every right to take that camera. Taylor collapsed on the ground right before Aladdin's float passed by. Ironically enough, I was spit on by a camel. Needless to say, Taylor felt a little bit better.

We would play games together. There was 6 of us. Perfect for splitting into teams. Obviously, my team always won. I was the oldest and only girl. I couldn't lose.

Before I knew it, Mom let me in on a secret: she was going to have another baby. I was a freshman in high school... and I really did think it was cool to have a brand new baby in my family. I was the neighborhoods best (and only) babysitter for quite a few years and due to my extensive background in child-rearing assistance, I was in high demand. And I got really good at diaper changes and bottle feedings and getting kids to clean up their toys.

I was going to have another brother. I was convinced. And I was excited. In fact, I helped my mom come up with names for my new brother. I had my top three names picked out and was ready for my parents to pick one. I helped clean the house and take care of the kids when Mom and Dad left for the hospital. The phone rang and I ran and answered. As the oldest and only girl, I reserved the right for the first phone call from the hospital when a new baby was born.

I answered the phone and was informed by my parents that I was a big sister for the 6th time. And I waited anxiously for my parents to tell me his name. Nathan... Just say it, Dad. Baby Nathan. "Shan, you have a sister."

I honestly thought he was joking. "Come on, Daddy. What's his name? I know its a boy."

I could hear my mom in the background, "Shanna, you have a baby sister named Brindy."

I was shocked. I didn't know what to say... It took me literally a minute to gather my thoughts and fully understand what I had just heard. But after that minute passed, it hit me: I had a sister. I wasn't the only girl. I had a baby sister. And her name was Brindy Marie.

Instantly, I was filled with joy. Happiness took over the feelings of shock and surprise and I couldn't contain my excitement. I jumped up and down a million times. I did cartwheels in the front room. My brothers and I created a moshpit essentially - we jumped up and down together for probably hours.

When she came home, I couldn't leave her alone. All I wanted to do was hold her and love her. For the first time in my life, I liked the color pink and I couldn't get enough of it. I had a sister. Although there was a decade and a half between us, I had a sister. And I couldn't love her more. She couldn't talk yet, but she was great at keeping secrets. I spent hours and hours with her. I begged my parents to let me stay home from school and just love Brindy all day long. I knew we would be best friends our whole lives.

A few years passed, and Brindy had become my little copy cat. She loved me almost more than I loved her. If she was upset, I could always make her feel better. There were even times she would come to me before my mom. I loved her loving me.

I remember one night, sleeping in my brand new, very own room downstairs in our recently remodeled basement. It was well past midnight and I heard a tapping sound on my door. The doornob was jiggling, but wasn't quite opening. I heard a little whimper and got up to open the door. Brindy had crawled down the stairs and gotten to my door, only to find it closed. And not being tall enough to successfully get the door open, her night was even worse. You see, Brindy had a bad dream. And instead of walking down the hall 20 feet to my parents room, she braved the stairs to come sleep with me. We were sisters. And she knew I wouldn't let anything bad happen to her.

A year later, my mom found Brindy in the bathroom in front of the mirror cutting her own hair. She had seen me do it, and wanted her hair to look like mine. She cut her own bangs. Jagged and crooked as I'll get out, I couldn't help but love it. This little girl loved me and wanted to be like me. I was flattered.

Brindy and I both grew, still are. I'm in awe that she's 9 years old. Time has flown by so quickly. But as time has passed, my love for her has grown deeper. And my memories with her are overflowing.
Yesterday, we played games for hours. Tonight we sang songs by Ben Folds; Me on the keys and brindy belting out the melody. We make a great team. She has a similar sense of humor to mine and we like to giggle together. (And with Pie Face too, but she's another story for another day.)

I love her and am so grateful for her. She is a great sister. I can't wait until she's old enough to share clothes with me and tell me about her dating dramas. I'm so excited for her to grow up. I can't wait to see the choices she makes and the paths she will take in her life. I can't wait until her wedding. I am excited to be moms together, swapping kids and having play dates. But I don't wish time to pass any faster for her. I hope she enjoys her childhood every bit as much as I enjoyed mine.

I hope she does well in school, and makes good decisions. I hope she finds wonderful friends that she'll keep her whole life. I hope she never forgets how much I love her, and the bond that we have as sisters.

So, Brindle-Frindle, happy birthday.
I love you. Schmuv you.


Friday, January 23, 2009


I have become mildly obsessed with reading blogs.

For no reason other than I love reading. There's just something about reading well-written passages, whether they be about the conversion of black heels to tractor wheels, tales of hope and love after a devastating plane crash, or the joys of potty-training.
I love me a good story.

I could spend hours and hours every day reading the beautiful and eloquent things people all over the world write about the happenings in their lives.

Sometimes I laugh.
Sometimes I cry.
Sometimes I giggle with vicarious giddy.

And most other times, I just want more.

I have always loved to read. I remember a few times as a child being bribed to socialize a little more and pull my nose out of books that a child shouldn't able to read and understand. But, you see, by the fourth grade, I was already on a 12th grade reading level.

I distinctively remember in second grade having to read books by myself in class, while every other student was placed into a reading level group to read aloud their level-appropriate stories. And there I was: sitting at my little desk, engrossed in my 200 page novel.

I have always loved reading. I will always love reading. I get involved in stories until I'm completely consumed. And when those stories end... I am left wanting, wishing there was more.

And so, blogging world, I gratefully thank you for the words you share with me, and beg you to never let them stop.

And I, in turn, promise to never stop reading.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


well, january is well over halfway done and we have ourselves a new president of the united states of america. all of our favorite tv shows have returned to normal programming and our beloved annual salt lake valley inversion has begun to fill our lungs and depress our souls.

i can't believe january is a week away from being over. where has the time gone? i swear the world keeps spinning faster and faster...

someday we're going to be spinning out of control.
boy, do i hope i'm gone by then. i'm mildly motion sick.

its hard to believe that mr larson and i are creeping up on so many momentous occasions... we're about one month away from our engagement anniversary... and only 5 months away from being married a year. its only 2.5 months until my birthday and only weeks away from our first married valentine's day. there are definitely some great things in store for us this year.

life is wonderful,
that's for sure.

Monday, January 12, 2009


both sides of my kitchen sink are full of dishes...

i have several laundry baskets full of dirty clothes...

our living room looks like we've been robbed -
we took down all the christmas decor,
but haven't had a chance to put back
our 'rest of the year' decorations,
so we have a not-so-lived-in living room at the moment...

it seems like this weekend is light-years away...

i just wanted to sleep in this morning,
thus making me late for work...

i have so many things to do at work,
that i don't know where to start...


branson and i have been married for 7 months...
i can't believe time has gone by so fast!

new episodes of 'how i met your mother'
and 'big bang theory' are on tonight...

i have a delicious dinner planned...

i'll have a chance to do dishes and laundry tonight
family night activity? ha

and my work day is almost over...

ah, monday, my fickle friend

Friday, January 9, 2009

a lucky date

i have a date
with this amazing guy...

he's sweet and charming,
funny and smart.

not to mention handsome...

with his curly hair (freshly cut, i might add.)
and his dreamy, perfect smile.

it will be a grand ol' time.

he'll pick me up from work
and take me to dinner.
then we'll walk around the gateway holding hands...

he'll take me to a movie and cuddle real close
for the whole 2 hours and 11 minutes.

then, he'll safely drive me home
and give me a good night kiss.

i am a lucky girl.

and am so thankful for my mr. larson.

Friday, January 2, 2009


i have already decided that 2009 is going to be a great year.

and so, in order to live this year to its fullest,
i have made quite a lengthy list of goals and resolutions.

and so to name a few:

laugh more
be wise in our finances
find the perfect hair style
be fit
go on a sweet trip for our first anniversary
become awesome at yoga
have long fingernails
practice the piano like i did 5 years ago
eat healthy
be better at keeping in touch with those i love
overcome my dislike for pedicures
purchase a great looking pair of jeans
learn to appreciate the little things
host a tea party
make perfect orange rolls
sew a dress on my new sewing machine
be more loving
go backpacking with brans
remodel our bathroom(s)
become an expert at something
get some smokin' hot red shoes
keep our house organized
be more physically active
read more books
be completely organized at my job
be diligent in scripture study
have a more cheery disposition
do more service
be less critical
let branson know i love him everyday

live well

happy new year.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


i can't believe it is already 2009. time has passed faster than i ever imagined it would.

2008 was filled with so many wonderful things, and as the year came to a close, i couldn't help but reflect on everything that happened.

january... found me at my little sister brindy's baptism, trying to give a talk on the gift of the holy ghost. i sounded like a mouse to a ridiculously long lasting cold, forcing me to whisper like the holy ghost whispers to us.

... brought austin a big white envelope with a call to the toronto canada mission, his departure set for june 18th. a week later, i played mom while my parents went on a romantic weekend away for their 22nd anniversary. all the while, balancing how much i really was in love with branson, and if i could see us having a 22nd anniversary.

march... started by calling the temple to see what days were available to get married in june, finding the engagement ring i had dreamed of for years, and after many painfully poof-y dresses, finally finding the perfect dress. i was completely caught off guard when i found my ring in a fortune cookie, with a fortune that said "shan, will you marry me?" and the planning officially began.

april... blessed me with the opportunity of going through the temple on my birthday with one of my best friends, my brother austin. that was the best birthday present i could have ever received.

may... was spent finishing up plans, politely arguing with the reception center's wedding coordinator as to how many people were realistically going to come to our wedding reception. "i'm pretty sure there will be close to 400 people there" i said a few times, quite confidently. "oh, honey, 400 is a h u g e turnout. 300 is a very big wedding. i would be surprised if more than 250 people came." "i know you've done this a lot, and i know that 400 is a lot of people, but just wait. they'll come. i'm right, you know..."

... began with the funeral of my grandad. we were peacefully heartbroken, but reassured from the blessings of eternal families, that he would be able to be present somehow at our wedding. and i'm sure he was. the day before our wedding was forcast to snow - in june?! my thinking, exactly. but we were blessed with an absolutely perfect day! not a single thing went wrong - i couldn't have asked for a better wedding day. it was truly perfect. and wouldn't you know it - at the end of the night, the wedding coordinator told my dad she had never seen a wedding so big. she counted over 400 people, giving up towards the end. hmph. i was right. :) our honeymoon was short and sweet with a 3 days get-a-way to park city, but we hurried back for austin's farewell/my talk in church/father's day. and within the next week, we said goodbye to austin for two years, and left him in the hands of the Lord. we then headed to san diego for an open house reception that was also lovely. it was such a beautiful place. we took the "to be continued" from our park city trip and resumed our honeymoon after the open house, spending time on the beach, at the san diego zoo, at pantages theater watching wicked and at disneyland, the happiest place on earth.

july... brought me a new job. my days at the utah league of credit unions had reached an end. i was offered a job at shadow mountain records, the record label of deseret book co. i had big shoes to fill, but seemed to fit in well and caught on quickly.

... sent us back to san diego for a weekend. branson's brother chad was off to the santiago chile mission. we flew out - my first ever plane ride - to hear him give his farewell talk, and to spend some time with him before we placed him in the same hands we had just barely placed austin.

september... blessed me with a new nephew! jack larson curtis was born, making me an aunt for the second time. we loved spending time with jack and wesley, as well as kendyll, brad and other family too.

... led us to grandma and grandpa lowman's. we were recruited as moving help and enjoyed spending time with my newly acquired grandparents. it was such a great experience to spend time with grandma pauline and help her sort through all of her many possessions. i was lucky enough to even inherit a few. what a way to welcome a new granddaughter-in-law!

... made history with the most interesting election to date. barack obama was elected president of the united states of america, envoking many emotions all acrossed the country. i am still hopeful that the attitude of "yes we can" will linger in the hearts of those running our country, but more importantly that we remember that God has a watchful eye and that "yes He can". it kicked off my favorite month of the year - the month of gratitude. our thanksgiving was spent with branson's family, with a pre-thanksgiving spent with my family. i made a lengthy list of things i was grateful for... a list that grows longer every day still.

... marked our 6 month anniversary. i still can't believe it has been 6 months already! my, how time flies. we spent many a hour with family and loved decorating our house for christmas. we hosted a few christmas get-togethers and attended a few more. the spirit of christmas was definitely present in our house. and we enjoyed our first christmas together. and might i just say it was a great one!

2008 was a wonderful year! and i have a feeling 2009 with be even better.

it will be a year of love and laughter. and i could not be more exciting for it.

so here's to a year filled with happiness and joy, love and success.

happy new year!