Thursday, August 21, 2008

five reasons

each day as work starts to wind down, i always get excited to go home and see branson. but today i'm especially excited for some reason, so i decided to make the time go faster and write down five reasons why i love branson:
he is super smart. he is always rattling off random (and not-so-random) facts off about history, or politics, or something i didn't know. its fun to learn things from him. even though sometimes i act annoyed... "another historic fact... wahoo..." i really do love the fact that he is intelligent and loves to learn and to share what he learns with me.
he is excellent with children. i think in older posts i've talked about him holding baby ava, or playing with pie face or wesley. but truthfully, i can't get enough! i love watching him interact with kids. example: a week ago, we spent a lot of time with his sister, kendyll, and her son, wesley, as well as his parents and brother, chad before chad went into the mtc. one evening we went up the canyon with good friends the pattons, the afore mentioned fam and grandma lowman. wesley wanted to go acrossed the bridge but knew he couldn't go alone... so he kept saying, "reed*! reed! bridge! water! reed! reed!" (*growing up, branson was known by his middle name, reed. but after the mission decided he wanted to go by branson) so uncle reed complied and took wesley over the bridge. watching the two of them gave me another glimpse of the future. and i can't wait to watch branson as the father of our kids!
he is a handy-man. on many occasions, he had either fixed something of ours that is broken, worked in our yard, helped grandma with something or worked with my dad fixing something. he reminds me of my dad a little bit, because growing up, and even still, daddy can fix anything. i'm glad that branson is on that same track too. because i know how to fix some things, but certainly not everything.
he helps me around the house. i have to admit that branson has done the dishes way more times than i have since we got married. i think i've only had to do them three or four times. awesome! and he helps me with the laundry - more than once we've changed out load of laundry together, and folded clothes together. though, i have to admit our methods of shirt folding compete - still not sure whose is better... and he irons. he ususally irons his clothes on sunday and occasional has ironed my dress, too.
he has this little smile... and most people don't see it very often... but it makes me melt! ha ha i love it. when it comes to smiling in pictures, he'd rather be the tough guy who doesn't really smile, but i know the real smile, and let me tell you - its golden! golden in the sense that it brightens your day and makes you smile back. i love it when he flashes a smile at me. the lines in his face. his perfectly straight teeth. i l o v e it. and i love him!

1 comment:

Kiley said...

Wow - what an amazing husband you have! . . . and I love those same things about Jason (especially seeing him play with kids - and you're right - it is just wonderful to watch them play with you own kids :)! Jason and I had struggles figuring out whose shirt-folding techniques were better, too. I finally decided to comply. So life is good :).