Tuesday, August 5, 2008


i finished breaking dawn yesterday, and may i just say that i thought it was an excellent book. though, not for the faint of heart. it is pretty intense. and the target audience is completely different from the first 3 books - a mistake, perhaps? not to me. but i'm sure some people will be offended and disappointed because its written for a more mature audience...

not that its dirty or smutty - because it most definitely is not. stephanie meyer has a way of writing passion without including all the smut. which is one of the reasons i think she is such a great author.

needless to say, i thoroughly enjoyed it - the whole series, too! i'll be starting it all over again soon, i'm sure. its good books like this that i can read over and over again - - - harry potter, the princess bride - - - some of my classics. love them.

it was awesome to get into a book again. its been a while for me. i've been so busy with engagement and wedding stuff for the past 6 months that i haven't really read anything, much to my dismay. i love reading! its one of my favorite things. so its nice to know that love is still alive...

as to not spoil anything for anyone, just know that i thought it was an excellent book - one i will reread many times i'm sure. yay for stephanie meyer's talent and for sharing her imagination with the world.


Kiley said...

Send me an email and tell me about it (kileyyerka@gmail.com)! I'm glad you finally got to finish.

Spencer said...

I'm so excited!!! I've had to work the weekend but I'm going to get it this afternoon. And I agree, even through high school I never had time to just read whatever I wanted. NOw I'm in heaven reading all this stuff! If you get the chance, I would also recommend the Shannon Hale books--they are so fun.
HOpe all's well!

blair and maisy said...

I'm glad you didn't give anything away because I'm still reading it. We've loved seeing you two the last couple of weeks! Love ya.

Camille said...

I finished 1.00 am Tuesday morning...in tears I may add (was it the time, exhaustion, the Muse "Stalight" playing in the background for the last few pages???) I think that it helpful to understand the complex transformation from romantic love to motherly love if you have been there done that or been around it. I agree some teens and young readers won't get it. I needed a happy ending. Loved it!