Sunday, July 11, 2010

two saturdays

Once upon a time, I wanted life to slow down so I could enjoy it more...

Oh wait. That's how I feel now.

We've had family parties every weekend, (with a few dinners, celebrations and ping-pong tournaments in between) Brans and I both have been working super long hours, and we've both been busy with our church callings. We're both exhausted, but grateful for the favorable circumstances we find ourselves in. (Except when our dryer burns our clothes, and the birds dig holes in my freshly pampered garden...)

My wish: To have an 8-day week.
7 days as normal, with the addition of a second Saturday.
Saturday 2

That way we can do all of the stuff we're doing now on the first Saturday, and have the next day (Saturday 2) to lounge around or get things done that couldn't happen on Saturday.

That is what I could use the most right now.