Thursday, July 15, 2010

summer musings

It's about freaking time the National League won the All-Star Game. It only took 14 years for them to show up. However, I still wished for an AL win - I mean, come on, How sweet would it have been if Torii Hunter and the rest of the American League-ers won at Angel Stadium? But... Well played, NL. Well played.

I am in desperate need of a real vacation.

This summer, I am refusing to believe that it is actually hot outside on weekdays. I'm pretty sure it is only hot on weekends. Why? Because I work in an office that keeps the air conditioning set at 40 degrees. Currently, most of us are wearing sweaters to work, and I'm ashamed to admit that I had to turn my space heater on under my desk today.

I can't remember the last time I slept completely through the night - 2:30am and 4:30am and I have become quite familiar with each other. And I am not happy about it.

Branson's brother Blake is quickly topping the chart of my favorites. He is staying with us for the summer and couldn't be more helpful. He keeps his room cleaned, helps me with the dishes and asks me almost everyday if I need help with anything. My only complaint: I've never seen someone drink so much apple juice. I can't keep up!

Make-your-own-Jamba-Juice frozen packets from Costco is my favorite summer find - thus far.

Time is slipping from me. I'm perplexed as to where the first half of 2010 went. I'm not ready for summer to be over. And I'm definitely not ready for fall... Yikes. Or winter. AGH! I have a theory that -- well, you know when something starts spinning crazy out of control right before it explodes? Yeah. I think that's what's going on here... The earth just spins faster and faster and faster, and time with it. Until one day - BAM! Earth is renewed and receives it's paradisaical glory. So when everyone starts feeling dizzy and motion sick... I'd hurry up with that repentance process.

Today, one of my piano students was talking about a summer camp they are going to that I went to when I was their age. I told them a few funny stories about when I went, and then she asked me how long ago that was. I had to think for a minute. And then when I realized how long it had been, I think I felt one of my hairs think about turning grey. "Oh, gosh... I went 15 years ago! It's been a long time!" I finally said. "15 years! That's like forever ago!" I've never felt so old. And I know I'm not that old. But man. What a sucker punch to the face.

I love my coworkers. Love them. They make my life (read: my job) worth living - particularly through stressful, busy times. Like now.

That and Brans.... I like him, too. Nay, love. I love him.


Leigh said...

Totally needed you tonight at the Choir so someone would understand the smirks on my face when people said stupid things. For real.

And you're not allowed to quit. Like, ever. Done.

Oh and I think DB esquire is pregnant.

Kiley said...

What a busy woman! Good thing you've got Brans and Blake and those lovely coworkers around! Love you!

P.S. You're not old. Say that a few times every day. I'm not old. I'm not.