Saturday, May 9, 2009


yesterday i answered a lot of questions about cake.
yesterday i had a good talk with a good friend and colleague.
yesterday i was paid a very, very kind compliment.
yesterday i spent the evening with brans, k&n, spock, kirk
and scotty.
yesterday i received a small gift from one of the nicest men i
yesterday i caught a glimpse of my individual worth.
yesterday i played the piano with 9 fingers instead of 10.
yesterday i attended the dedication of the deseret book
corporate offices.
yesterday i felt the spirit with 129 of my coworkers.
yesterday i was 5 feet from President Henry B. Eyring.
yesterday i shared laughter with an apostle.
yesterday i played the piano for a Prophet of the Lord.

yesterday was a lovely day.


MandiScandal said...

yesterday you ran into mandi at lunch.

Lauren Davison said...

Wasn't Star Trek AWESOME!?!?

Erica said...

You are AMAZING. That's all. :o)

Kiley said...

What a good day!