Monday, December 23, 2024

emmeline's ten months

Ten whole months with this girl, and she's made every single day better! 

Emmeline is: 

... a great eater—despite STILL having NO teeth! [I keep having nightmares that she never gets teeth and has to get implants in her whole mouth as a baby] She loves to eat all the foods she sees, and has actually gotten pretty good at gumming everything down. It's pretty impressive. She still prefers savory over sweet, and she's started to figure out how to use silverware and get it into her mouth. She loves to snack, but still insists on nursing pretty frequently throughout the day, and has gotten into a few routines that she does NOT let me out of! [Every Sunday when I come down from playing the organ to sit with the family, she knows it's time to eat! And if I try to brush her off, she is NOT happy. Haha The funny part is that she's doesn't care to nurse at that same time everyday—just on Sundays! Funny girl.]

... loves playing with her sisters. She has gotten really fun and interactive lately, and all of the sisters take turns doting on her. It's adorable. She thinks they are each hilarious, and they all are pretty good with her. 

... saying more words! She's mimicking sound really well, and has started to chatter using different sounds. It's my favorite! She sings and talks and says Mom and more and Dad and eat and a handful of other things really well. 

... getting into everything! She's somehow figured out how to open the locks on the cupboards and how to pull open all the drawers. She loves to play with dishes and help me with the dishwasher [or rather, likes to pull things out of the dishwasher while I put things in it!] She is really responsive to her name, though, so I generally only have to say her name once and she'll stop what she's doing. She is a curious mind and I love how she is figuring things out for herself. 

... still my sweetest, snuggliest momma's girl. It's mom time all the time around our house. But she has started giving me the sweetest little snuggles randomly, and it melts my heart every. single. time. 

Life is so crazy with this crew. But they're pretty cute!


Afton's Ten Months

Golden's Ten Months

Phoebe's Ten Months

Matilda's Ten Months

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