Friday, April 5, 2019

phoebe's ten months

Phoebe is ten months!

Phoebe is:

... everywhere! She crawls like a cheetah, climbs up to anything - tables, chairs, couches, legs... she likes to be on her feet. She's pretty steady now, and her new trick this week has been walking across the room pushing a little wagon. It's pretty impressive! She's getting quite confident in her abilities.

... chatty! She isn't quite forming many actual words yet, but she likes to talk to us all the live long day. She's also realized that she sometimes has to compete to be heard... so we're learning how to use our "nice voices" - ha! She says "mama" and is working on "more," "dad," and she has started trying to get Afton's attention pretty consistently by say "Aah aah" - so we'll see what that turns into.

... a book lover. She loves to read stories, and hold onto books. She is also very insistent on turning pages herself. And she loves pulling all the books off the shelf and laying in them. She's hilarious.

... becoming more friendly. She has had "stranger danger" from the beginning and now, is starting to smile at others without looking for my approval first. She is just a happy little gal, and she beams when people talk to her. Such a darling.

... a teaser. She makes a little scrunch-y nose face and pants when she thinks she's being funny. She likes to play peek-a-boo, and has started hiding things. It's fun seeing her start to interact more with her sisters. It's such a fun age now!

 [^^^ the scrunch-y nose face!]

Life with these girls is so good!


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