Wednesday, September 5, 2012

elder bryson ashcraft

Today, my boy Bryson went into the MTC to embark on his epic adventure serving the Lord for two years in the Guam / Micronesia Mission.

I've been pretty emotional about him leaving. You'd think on my 5th brother (1-Austin, 2-Chad, 3-Taylor, 4-Blake) I'd have this whole sending-off-a-missionary thing down and that it wouldn't even phase me.

But it does. Every. Time.

I love Bryson. And I'm so proud of the decision he's made to dedicate his next two years to the Lord in serving and teaching, and reminding the people on those tiny islands in the Pacific that God loves them, that Jesus Christ died for their sins, and that their families can be together forever.

A week ago, he gave an awesome sermon for his farewell talk, and our family sang together a beautiful arrangement of "I Believe in Christ." (Also, a very emotional day. Don't judge.)

Last night, we were privileged to attend his setting apart meeting with the Stake President. It was truly a personal, insightful and comforting blessing that I hope Bryson remembers forever. The spirit was strong and the words we heard were truly inspired. I'm so grateful for that memory.

Bash is amazing. I've learned a lot from him, and have loved watching him grow up into such an incredible man.

No doubt the people on those islands will adore him.
How can you not?

Godspeed, Elder.

And Heavenly Father, please watch over my little brother, and keep him safe.

1 comment:

Kiley said...

Hooray for Elder Ashcraft!