Monday, April 27, 2009

work waiting

There are some days where my job is ridiculously busy. Days where I am constantly running from floor to floor to the downtown store to the Choir's office back to mine. Days when I feel the pressure and truly understand the meaning of a "fast-paced environment." These are the same days where I feel ultra productive. It's crazy, but I accomplish so much.

I work best under pressure.

That might not be true.

I work well under pressure,
but I also enjoy
being able to take my time
and perfect everything
just how I think it should be.
So let me try this again:

I work well.

But then there are other days when I've finished my end of a project, or gotten to the approval point of something, and I am forced to simply wait. A significant percentage of my job consists of following-up, so every-so-often there is a day where all I can do is wait. I sit and wait for forms to be signed, for permission to progress on a project, for decisions to be made. And I sit.

Today is one of those days.

Now, I don't want to sound like I'm lazy, because I honestly don't think that I am. I work really hard. Growing up, my parents drove a hard work ethic deep into my soul. And forever will it remain. And I'm grateful for that work ethic. Because, let's just be honest here, lazy people just frustrate and annoy. Particularly when their lackadaisical manner puts more on my shoulders. But enough of that.

Today is one of those days that is mostly spent waiting.

I've opened the mail, checked my messages (don't worry, there weren't any), responded to the few emails that were waiting in my inbox this morning, though I'm arriving at the slow season of email requests. Emails have only been trickling in... Nothing compared to a few months ago when I arrived daily to 30+ emails every morning. Today, I had 5. And 3 of them were the same email with little notes in the subject line saying "Just wanted to make sure you got this"(8:23pm Saturday) or "I would appreciate and immediate answer" (10:53am Sunday). Apparently, some people just want to make sure I get their email and get a little bit freaked out when I don't immediately reply. But let me share with you a secret: I don't check my email on Saturday evening when I'm spending quality time with my husband. Nor do I check my email during church on Sunday morning. Just a heads up - If you are sending a company email on the weekend, at least have the courtesy to wait until noon on Monday to freak out when you haven't received a reply. I understand you want a quick response, and I'm happy to oblige, but good grief, calm down!

For the record, I had responded to all of my emails within 10 minutes of getting to work this morning. So Mr. Impatient, now I am waiting on you. I hope your own medicine tastes alright.

I digress.

So, I am waiting. I cleaned my desk. I organized our storage room. I even offered my services to our neighboring film department. But alas, here I sit as time slowly passes.

Seriously ... slowly passes.

I'm still waiting.

1 comment:

Kiley said...

I'm sorry for you - there's nothing worse than having to just sit and wait when you know you could be doing so much. I hope it picks up soon!