Sunday, April 12, 2009


we've been so busy the past week{ish}.

.general conference was fantastic.
.we visited granny after conference on sunday
and shared a few precious moments with family.
.granny passed away last wednesday...
i'm sure there was a great reunion in heaven
and throngs of people waiting to greet her.
.shared time in the temple with family
for a sacred, special occasion.
.we went down to las vegas for a family reunion.
.stayed in a beautiful, clean hotel.
.went shopping.
.realized my husband has great taste
in clothes/accessories, among other things.
.saw baseball great pete rose.
.celebrated my birthday.
.spent time with extended family.
.was embarrassed by a rousing chorus
of 'happy birthday' at dinner.
.won the jelly bean guessing contest...
i was only 3 off...
my guess: 412
actual amount: 415
.got gelato.
.watched the bellagio fountain show.
.saw phantom of the opera...
a m a z i n g.
.had a lovely birthday.
.met my soon-to-be sister-in-law jenee.
.made it back home just in time
for a lovely easter sacrament program.
.cried my eyes out as a 6 year old boy sang 'he died for me'.
.had easter dinner and {belated}birthday cake with family.
.was spoiled rotten with birthday presents.
.checked off
'get some smokin' hot red shoes'
on my resolutions list.
(thank you)
.added another cutco knife to my collection.
.celebrated 11 months of marriage.
.stayed up way too late every night.
.woke up way to early every morning.
.had such a great time.

and now i'm exhausted.
and next weekend, we'll venture back down to vegas
for granny's funeral...
a little more bitter-sweet of a trip.

and in light of our exhaustion,
we couldn't be happier.
what great lives we have.


katherine said...

Wow. You have had a crazy, crazy week! Hope your birthday was grand. Looking forward to seeing you two next weekend!

Erica said...

Happy birthday, Shan! So glad you had a wonderful week! Although I'm so sorry to hear of Granny's passing. But after being in the temple with you last week, I KNOW that there was indeed a reunion for her up in heaven. :o) Love you!

Jamie and Tom said...

Hey Shanna! Happy belated Birthday! I'm glad you are having so much fun! You do sound busy! Sorry about your granny's passing... anyways we're glad to hear you and branson are doing so well!

EMiLy said...

hello shanna! you probably don't know me, but i know you... sorta. i heard you make cakes and wanted to ask you if you could make me one! email me at Thanks so much!
