Sunday, November 17, 2024

emmeline's nine months

It's hard to believe this girl has been with us for longer that I was pregnant with her! She's become big so quick! But just look at her—She's SO beautiful!!!

Emmeline is:

... still toothless. I don't even know how! All of my other girls had SO many teeth by nine months — I think Phoebe holds the record at 8 teeth at 9 months! She has shown all signs of teething for MONTHS, but nothing has popped through permanently yet. BUT, she has not let this stop her from eating the good food! She has figure out how to use her little gums to chomp things up and devour them. She loves vegetables and meat and salty crackers. And loves drinking water out of a sippy cup - not baby bottles for this big girl! She's so funny. 

... walking around furniture and pushing her wagon all around the house. She is fast— I'll set her down and she'll zip around the room and be standing up next to something before I can even blink! She thinks she's big. She has only dared climb up one or two stairs, but she generally has no problem getting where she wants to go. 

... a musical baby. (Shocking, right!?) She LOVES to sing and play the piano, and has started head-banging along to music as well as her own songs. She sings in Primary with all the kids every Sunday, and I've caught her singing herself to sleep several times. It's the best! Another little angel voice in my little women's choir!

... an independent player. Despite having so many sisters around so often, Emmie is consistently content to just do her own thing and play in her own little world. Her sisters will join her for a few minutes and then bounce back to their own things, and Emmie just adapts and goes with it. It is fun to see her figure out how things work and how to play with toys, and how to make a toy out of just about anything. I love seeing her creative mind already developing.

... such a beautiful, delightful girl! Her general calm demeanor is just what our family needs, and she is the light of every room she is in. Her little spirit is felt in a huge way, and people are just drawn in by her. She is such a special girl!

This gaggle of giggles fills our home with so much—we are so blessed that they are ours.