Sunday, May 5, 2019

phoebe's eleven months

I say this every time, 
But I'm r.e.a.l.l.y ready for time to just pause for a bit.
It's flying by too fast, 
and now I have an 11 month old!

 Phoebe is:

... a budding musician. She loves to play the piano, and will sneak up on me while I teach piano lessons and start playing at one end of the keyboard. She loves to feel the rhythm of music and bounces along to the beat anytime she can hear it. And anytime her sisters are singing, she absolutely joins in at the top of her lungs. It's the best!

... a climber. Several times in the last couple weeks, I've found her on a different floor of our house than I put her on. She has mastered climbing stairs [which slightly terrifies me] and is starting to figure out how to get down, as well. She has started climbing up on little chairs and can almost pull herself up on the couch. Her determination is incredible. And her little arms are so strong! She's stood by herself for a little bit, but never wants to show off. But she's walking around anything and everything - including walls! As long as she can touch something, she's up and moving.

... full of personality. She has a little teaser streak that is so charming, and she thinks she is so funny! She knows when she's teasing me and she giggles away. It's so delightful. She

... the cuddly-est little pal. She snuggles me every day, and has started to share her loves and cuddles with others, too. Grammy is her other favorite, [obviously] and she has started to give hugs more freely lately.

... expanding her vocabulary daily. She tries so hard to repeat words with me. Its so fun to see her learn and develop new talents and different ways of communicating. My favorite thing she does right now is when she gets frustrated. She clenches her fists, grits her teeth, tenses her whole body for a second and then yells "AAGH!" -- It's too funny!


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