Thursday, October 17, 2024

emmeline's eight months

Eight months of Emmeline in our lives! She's such a dream! 

Emmeline is: 

... Finally sleeping again! She had a rough little while of thinking she needed to be up all night, but (knock on wood!) we've passed that phase and she has been consistently sleeping all night and well into the morning. Bless her little sleepy head! 

... full on crawling, hands and knees full speed! She skipped army crawling altogether, and went from rolling to crawling overnight, and it sheen almost a month of her having no problem getting where she wants to go! 

... a mighty woman! I have found her [more than] a few times underneath our arm chair with her legs up in the air pressing up on the bottom of the chair. Baby leg press! She thinks it's hilarious. But seriously, she lifts the front of the chair a few inches off the ground... It's impressive! She has also figured out how to use her mighty arms to pull up on anything she can, so she can stand up. She thinks she's big! She's walked around our coffee table and tried taking steps just holding on to our little wagon... But I'm willing her to slow down! She's too little! 

... a savory snacker. She LOVES salty and savory snacks and food. She occasionally will enjoy something sweet, but it's not often, and if given the choice, she'll pick salty crackers or cheese or vegetables over ice cream, fruit or cereal. She's funny! 

... still my momma's girl, but her snuggles and hugs are so delightful. She still wants mom all of the time. She'll occasionally tolerate a handful of others, but if I'm not around, her number one is Pieface! She's funny. It's nice to be loved!

Life with these girls is chaotically delightful. 

God is good. 


Afton's Eight Months

Golden's Eight Months

Phoebe's Eight Months

Matilda's Eight Months

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