Wednesday, August 14, 2024

emmeline's six months

Half of a year has passed in two blinks of an eye, and here we are with the cutest six months old in all the land! 

Emmeline is: 

... singing and talking all the live long day! She is clearly and consistently saying, "mom" and "dad" and "hi"... And a whole lot of other babbles and sounds — it's my favorite. We were in Singing Time at church on Sunday, and she sang the loudest and longest of all the kids! It was so hilariously darling. A few of the teachers and I just kept laughing and smiling the whole time because she wouldn't stop! She wanted to sing with the big kids!

... rolling all over and starting to sit by herself. She loves holding on to her feet, and will flip right over and over again and end up at the other end of the room. It's fun to see her learn and develop new skills. 

... loving all sorts of food! She devours citrus — she'll suck on a lime, lemon, or orange for a long time, and never even puckers a single sour face! She loves potatoes and ice cream, obviously!, avocados, apples, pineapple, bananas and tomatoes, peanut butter... So many flavors! She wants to eat whenever any one around her is eating, and get so excited about every single bite!

... enthralled by her sisters. Phoebe makes her laugh every single time she holds her. Afton is so patient and can hold her when she's sad and just sings to her and loves on her. Goldie wants to show her off to everyone she meets, and Matilda blesses "cute little Emmeline" in each of her prayers. They love Emmie so much, and she loves them right back! She is still a momma's girl, and she does not like being away from me for ANY amount of time, but her snuggles and grins when I come back to her are like winning the lottery! 

... just so beautifully precious. She giggles and grins, sings and squawks, and lights up our whole world. She is finding her sense of humor and has started to repeat the things that we cheer and laugh at, like she's so proud of herself. It's the best! 

Cutest Sisters!


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