Tuesday, February 26, 2013

rough week

This hasn't been my week.

Now, I have lots to be grateful for, and things can always be worse, but... it's been a rough few days around our house.

Guess who's what's back... back again... MRSA. Ick.
The good news: my eyes can both open.
The bad news: super painful.
The good news: last time I was on the wrong antibiotics for a week. this time, I'm starting on the rights ones so it should be more manageable and go away soon(er). At least, I'm hoping so.
The bad news: I also have a cold, and every time I cough or sniffle, I feel like my head is (once again) being hit by a metal bat.

I lost someone stole my wallet.
The good news: no one has tried to use our credit/debit cards.
The bad news: I had $200 cash in my wallet.
The good news: ... ok, so there's not a lot of good news when your wallet falls out of your purse after you pay for dinner with your friends, and you don't notice for a day and then you go back and it's disappeared, and no one has turned it in and you think some punk kid probably picked it up, stole the cash and then trashed your wallet with all of your belongings in it making you have to get new ones and wrack your swollen brain to remember everything you had saved in your wallet.
The bad news: I have to get a new drivers license. And my head is swollen with MRSA. And I refuse to get a new picture taken while my ethnicity isn't clear. (Seriously, almost unrecognizable.) So... I'm ID-less.

I lit our kitchen stove on fire.
The good news: I put out the fire.
The bad news: I started a fire.
The good news: no hair was singed. And it was only a little fire. And there was no damage done.
The bad news: I lost my voice again, so when I yelled for Brans to come help, he couldn't hear me and I panicked while putting out the fire by myself. (He came up about 5 minutes later and said, "Did you burn something?" Ha.)

So... I'm totally ready to be done with this. I'm hoping March ushers in better things for us. Because so far, 2013 has not been very nice to me. And I'd really like to enjoy more than a couple weeks of being healthy before I'm knocked down again. Too much to ask? I don't think so.


Kiley said...

Whoa, Shan. That is a bad week. Well wishes with that MRSA! Oh, I wish you could get better! And a fire? No husband within earshot? So sorry! And so sorry about your wallet!

But I love you!!!!

blair and maisy said...

Oh, poor Shanna, you're having a bad week too! Get better soon!!!! Thinking of you.

Unknown said...

What a hard week! Hang in there. Hopefully things start to look up soon! Way to tackle that fire single-handedly!

ang said...

Yikes! Love you and thinking of you. Hope your mrsa goes away soon.

Erica said...

Love you, Shan! March will be here soon. And then April. We love April, yes? :o)

Jessica said...

Feel better, Shanna! We love you and are thinking about you!