Thursday, June 14, 2012

jack adam tidwell

One of my most favorite people, 
who happens to be my cousin,
gave birth to a stillborn baby boy earlier this week.

Jack Adam Tidwell.

[such a beautiful photo, shared by Jenn]

My heart aches for Jessica and Adam.

I'm sure I can't even imagine what they feel.
And I feel so helpless.

So I've been praying - hard.
For peace. 
And comfort. 
And strength.
And understanding.
And remembrance. 

I love Jess and Adam and their darling little family.
Max, Zoe, Cannon, Will and Jack.

I'm so grateful for the knowledge that families are forever.
I am thankful for the Plan of Salvation, that gives me deeper understanding.
I'm so glad to know that Jessica will get to hold Baby Jack again
and that he is forever part of their family. 

And I am beyond thankful for the Atonement -
because, not only did Christ atone for our sins,
He atoned for our pain and our suffering.
And only through Him can we truly find comfort.


Kiley said...


Erica said...

Love it, Shan. Thank you. :o)

Jessica said...

Thank you, Shanna. That was beautiful. I love you! What has surprised me through all of this is how much gratitude I have felt towards Jack, to those here, towards my ancestors and the early members of the church, but most importantly, my Savior, Jesus Christ, for without him and his sacred atonement, I would have nothing. Because of him, I have everything. Much love, Jessica