Sunday, November 13, 2011

niece and nephews

I have the cutest nieces and nephews. And I could not be more grateful for them.

Tonight, we celebrated Wesley's birthday - he turned 5 yesterday. [Which blows my mind. I joined the family when he was 1. Its crazy to see how fast he's grown.] And it is simply adorable to see Wesley, Jack and Avery interact with me and each other.

Wesley is a super smart, sensitive, awesome little guy. He gets so excited to tell me about things in his life - new toys, what he learned at school, a new movie he watched. I love it. Jack is just silly. He constantly makes me laugh. And he knows he's funny, which only makes him funnier. Miss Avery is darling. She's just started talking and her little voice makes me smile. [Tonight, she told me she loved me. It sounded a lot like she said "lubbu" - but I new what she meant.]

I love living close to our niece and nephews. I am thankful that they know who I am and for their smothering hugs each time I see them.

I am so grateful for my family. Particularly, Wesley, Jack and Avery.


Kendyll said...

Thank you Shanna! Your nieces and nephews LOVE you tons! Wanna babysit again?!

Kendyll said...

I meant niece, obviously NOT plural!