Thursday, February 5, 2009

23 years

Today is my parents anniversary.
They have been married for 23 years.
What an accomplishment!

And they're so perfect -
I've never ever questioned how much they love each other.
I didn't have to. I just always knew.

And even to this day, I have not seen two people more in love than my parents. They are such great examples to me. I can only imagine Branson and I in 23 years... well, 22 years... from now on our 23rd wedding anniversary! It seems so far away. But I hope we can follow in their footsteps.

I have learned so much
from my parents over the years:

how to love - how to serve - how to laugh - how to pray - how to listen - how to obey - how to sing - how to cook - how to use my talents - how to appreciate the small things - how to be polite - how to work - how to play - how to hug - how to clean - how to do my best - how to be selfless ...

Though the list is not limited to only those things. I owe a lot to my mom and dad, and I am so glad to call them my own. They are the best people I know and I am striving to be more like them everyday. And hopefully, their next 23 years will be even happier and filled with even more love.

happy anniversary mom & daddy!


Erica said...

Happy Anniversary, Alece and Leon! I remember when they were dating - I remember being at a family party and opening my eyes during the prayer to bless the food and seeing them holding hands. They truly are a wonderful example of how wonderful marriage can be. All my love to them!

Lauren Davison said...

You parents rock! :)

Kiley said...

Happy Anniversary to your parents! They truly are the perfect couple! Although, I do have to say that I do know of one other couple that definitely has the love your parents have - my parents. I love that after so many years they're still so in love! Hooray for love!

Elisabeth Taylor said...

I have to admit, I'm a HUGE fan of your parents as well and have questioned your mother on more than one occassion on how I can grow up to be just like her! They are wonderful wonderful wonderful people!

Codye Brynn said...

That is so great! My parents are celebrating their 41st this year.. They are old! haha
I hope we get that apartment! Maybe I will see you once and a while if I do! We are going to get a membership at the Lion Rec Center just across the street also, they have everything and its way cheaper than the gym! You should look into it :)