Tuesday, July 29, 2008


attack! of the killer raccoons! ok... maybe not 'killer', but certainly 'destroyer'.

last night we were in the backyard with grandma and my family eating ice cream, when BAM! we heard this huge crashing sound! so everyone got up to check it out. this is what we saw:

yup. a hole in our softening. and yes, those are the eaves you can see inside. i was truly upset... and then curious what happened. initially, i had no idea! but dad, brans and the boys investigated. we got out flashlights and scouted out the area for the thing responsible.

then they saw something... a raccoon! running through the bushes on the side of our house and up into a big pine tree in our front yard.

we went back around back to see if there was any more damage and i noticed something...

those are the blasted little raccoon's beady little eyes! agh! freaked me out! then we noticed two others. so in all, there are three raccoons chillin' in the softening of our house. i couldn't sleep at all last night - i tossed and turned inbetween dreams of raccoons playing "trashing the camp" from tarzan in my kitchen, finding diced raccoon in my salad bowl, raccoons scratching and ruining my beloved piano, and raccoons climbing into bed with me.

poor branson... i probably kept him awake with all of my movement and probable talking in my sleep about how much i hate raccoons. poor guy. i asked him this morning how we have to fix the problem... and we have to trap the raccoons... which in my head is pretty gruesome - think mouse trap but bigger. yuck.

so untimely. i officially hate raccoons and hope they leave soon... but as filled as i am with hatred, i'm hoping we don't have to kill them. there's gotta be a peaceful solution involving peanut butter or something...


Brad & Mary said...

I hate raccoons too! They are like huge scavenger rodents. We had one in our chimney and my dad played this loud music to get them out. Maybe that could work. Good Luck!

A said...

I remember that Mary, I came home from somewhere and the music was soooo loud, I thought the neighbors were having a party, but they did leave because they couldn't sleep. Raccoons are awful, there are countless stories of them killing cats in my parents neighborhood...I hope you guys find a solution. Best of, Angie

MandiScandal said...

yes. peanut butter should do the trick....


I dunno...but maybe you could have a party to disguise the pointless loud music. Then..you could have a PARTY AND get rid of the blasted things and then you could keep partying to celebrate!! sounds like a plan to me!


Jamie and Tom said...

poor shanna! That picture of the raccoon with it's beady eyes is scary! I would have flipped! I've never had a problem with raccoons. I saw one walking down the street here a few weeks ago. I thought it was cute though! haha so yeah your guess is as good as mine as far as getting rid of them. All I can say is good luck! love the blog though.. your description is awesome haha

hilary said...

peanut butter? you make me smile. I'm so glad we are blog friends.

Kiley said...

Great! Good luck - I'm sorry!